CCVC VET Boarding Facility for DOGS

While you're away on vacation, your pet can can stay in our air-conditioned kennels under veterinary staff supervision. Of course they are provided with loads of love and attention by all the staff & are kept entertained with comfortable beds, large run & walks for well behaved dogs.
They are fed on Royal Canin vet exclusive premium pet food twice daily, or have their special dishes & home made meals microwave warmed & cut up so that don’t miss out on that homely touch. Our individually tiled & stainless steel kennels help provide our extremely high standard of cleanliness throughout. All runs have viewing windows or perspex doors for monitoring and companionship.
Why not book for a groom or a bath at the same time?
Conditions of entry-
Very affordable at only $35/night for dog boarding at the North Gosford Centre 43290500. Please call our reception for prices and availability at our North Wyong Centre 43530200. A $50 nonrefundable deposit is required on book in ($100 at Christmas time). The remainder of the boarding fee is required to be paid on admission to their stay. Vet quality flea and worming control can either be bought on entry or undertaken within 2 weeks of entry. We have minimum stay requirements at Xmas & New Year. No admissions/discharges on a Sunday.
Dogs must be vaccinated with an annual C5, cats F3. Please be sure they are up to date & bring your vaccination certificate along or call us if you are unsure,as we are well priced to get you up to date (normally only $89.95 see details).
Please call to reserve your accomodation early, as we tend to book quickly during the holidays and summer. We look forward to seeing you and your pet soon!

Contact us on 4353 0200 for enquiries regarding boarding.